About Us

We created Ashburd because we wanted to create the best pet experience for all the pet-lovers out there. We are a small, family-run company and we love our furry family members and we know you do too.

We want to create an optimum marketplace for pet owners of all walks.  Whether it is your new kitten that you just brought home for the first time, or your old faithful pup that has been by your side for many years, we know that each one is very special. We want to be there with you to watch them grow, make them happy, and even spoil them from time to time.

At Ashburd, you will find a variety of products from practical to fun all readily available to be shipped to your door.  We are based in the US and can easily be reached by email for any questions you have.  Thanks so much for your consideration and no matter your choice, give your little fur ball a squeeze for us.